Saturday, January 17, 2015

5 best fat burning fruits

You can remove excess body weight by adding some fruits of your diet really work to reduce your weight. Although there are several methods for fat burning, fruits are one of the parts of them, some fruits are better for weight loss than others


Avocados are the most popular fruits for weight loss. It contains more vitamin, antioxidant and high amount of unsaturated fat (omega-9 fatty acid) that is good for health. This  unsaturated fats increase the metabolism and also increase the testosterone hormone that is responsible for weight loss. It reduces your appetite or hunger level by which help to avoid excess food intake                                                                                             


Berries likes- rash berry, blueberry are a source of nutrient, vitamin and antioxidant. Polyphenol is the main component of the outer layer of berry which helps to weight loss and prevent fat deposit.


Grape is a best fat burning fruit. The most recent studies have found that grapefruit or juice before meals is really helpful to aid weight loss. It contains a natural unique component that reduces insulin level and prevent weight gain.


Color, flavor and taste of strawberries are the most popular. Not only color, flavor and taste, but also it has lot of health benefits such as It contains vitamin-c, fiber, calcium, magnesium and potassium. It is one of the best sources of vitamin-c that help to convert glucose into energy and prevent the fat stored in the body. Strawberries able to increase the production of a hormone that improve metabolism and reduce hunger. It maintains blood sugar and insulin level, thus control the body weight

Do you know which factors and reasons are responsible for overweight? Click to see this video


Lemon with hot water is more common juice for weight loss. It is a potential source of vitamin-c (water soluble vitamin) that is increasing the production of collagen and act as a major factor in weight management. So drinking hot water with lemon juice is very effective for weight loss and improving digestion.

Some tricks and trips

Avoid some foods

  • Red meat because it contains lots of HDL cholesterol and saturate fat that is responsible for weight gain.
  • Excess carbohydrate food intake, such as white rice that increase blood sugar level 
  • Excess fast food intake it is one of the main reasons for increasing weight
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Cold drinks because it contains lots of sugar
  • Too much salty food that increase your body weight
  •  Avoid late dinner

Best habit for control weight:

  • Drinking one glass water before meal that help with proper digestion
  • Eat green vegetable regularly because it contains lots of cellulose that is helping to weight loss.
  • Drinking one glass water before sleep
  • Bitter test vegetable that is useful for weight loss
  • One apple with your breakfast because it contain pectin that prevents the deposition
  • Take green tea that helps with weight loss

Do you know which factors and reasons are responsible for overweight? Click to see this video


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