Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How Excess Weight Affects on Top 8 Dangerous Diseases

Overweight can cause several problems I will discuss 8 dangerous problems with them. Obesity is a common problem now a day. Older, younger and mature are suffering from this problem. There are several factors responsible for obesity.

High Blood Pressure
Many factors can cause high blood pressure, overweight is one of the most of them that directly leads to high blood pressure. When the weight gain is in the Bally there is a larger risk for high blood pressure because this type of fat is more probable to cause the arteries to
become thick and stiff. When it gets hard to move blood around the body there is a boost in adrenaline. This will increase salt preservation and further increase blood pressure.

Obesity can lead to deposit fat in the artery wall and create a plaque in your arteries this plaque increase day by day and decrease the blood flow artery’s way that create an extra pressure on the arteries. Once a time it can block the flow of blood and unable to oxygen supply to the brain and cause a stork.
Diabetes is a common disease now a day in which the blood sugar or glucose level is too high. In general, the body breaks down food into glucose and then carries it to cells throughout the body. Insulin hormone converts the glucose into energy. In type 2 diabetes, the body's cells don't use insulin properly. At first, the body reacts by 
Being overweight or obese raises your risk for colon, breast, endometrial, and gallbladder cancers. Overweight or obese women have a higher risk of breast cancer because it changes the levels of sex hormones, like estrogen and testosterone, in the body. This may increase the risk of cancer.
There are several factors responsible for osteoarthritis a common factor is overweight. It is a problem of the knees, hips, and lower back most cases affect adults who are 45 years of age or older. The situation occurs if the tissue that protects the joints wears away. Overweight can put more pressure and wear on joints, causing pain, stiffness and swelling.
Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea is a common and unpleasant disorder. A person who has sleep apnea may have more fat deposited around the neck and shoulder. This can cause narrowing the airway and making it hard to breath.
Reproductive Problems
Obesity can cause menstrual issues and infertility in women. A cholesterol compound in fat cells can change weak estrogen called estrone. Obese or overweight women carry additional fat cell that responsible for estrone, which have an estrogenic effect on glandular explain “Maria Arias, MD, a gynecologist at Atlanta Women’s Specialist in Georgia”
Gallstones are stones of the gallbladder. The main component of gallstone is cholesterol. Gallstones can reason stomach or back pain. People who are overweight or obese are at increased risk of having gallstones. Also, being overweight may result in an enlarged gallbladder that doesn't work well.

There are several factors responsible for weight gain. How to prevent your weight gain? For details   click here 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

5 best fat burning fruits

You can remove excess body weight by adding some fruits of your diet really work to reduce your weight. Although there are several methods for fat burning, fruits are one of the parts of them, some fruits are better for weight loss than others


Avocados are the most popular fruits for weight loss. It contains more vitamin, antioxidant and high amount of unsaturated fat (omega-9 fatty acid) that is good for health. This  unsaturated fats increase the metabolism and also increase the testosterone hormone that is responsible for weight loss. It reduces your appetite or hunger level by which help to avoid excess food intake                                                                                             


Berries likes- rash berry, blueberry are a source of nutrient, vitamin and antioxidant. Polyphenol is the main component of the outer layer of berry which helps to weight loss and prevent fat deposit.


Grape is a best fat burning fruit. The most recent studies have found that grapefruit or juice before meals is really helpful to aid weight loss. It contains a natural unique component that reduces insulin level and prevent weight gain.


Color, flavor and taste of strawberries are the most popular. Not only color, flavor and taste, but also it has lot of health benefits such as It contains vitamin-c, fiber, calcium, magnesium and potassium. It is one of the best sources of vitamin-c that help to convert glucose into energy and prevent the fat stored in the body. Strawberries able to increase the production of a hormone that improve metabolism and reduce hunger. It maintains blood sugar and insulin level, thus control the body weight

Do you know which factors and reasons are responsible for overweight? Click to see this video


Lemon with hot water is more common juice for weight loss. It is a potential source of vitamin-c (water soluble vitamin) that is increasing the production of collagen and act as a major factor in weight management. So drinking hot water with lemon juice is very effective for weight loss and improving digestion.

Some tricks and trips

Avoid some foods

  • Red meat because it contains lots of HDL cholesterol and saturate fat that is responsible for weight gain.
  • Excess carbohydrate food intake, such as white rice that increase blood sugar level 
  • Excess fast food intake it is one of the main reasons for increasing weight
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Cold drinks because it contains lots of sugar
  • Too much salty food that increase your body weight
  •  Avoid late dinner

Best habit for control weight:

  • Drinking one glass water before meal that help with proper digestion
  • Eat green vegetable regularly because it contains lots of cellulose that is helping to weight loss.
  • Drinking one glass water before sleep
  • Bitter test vegetable that is useful for weight loss
  • One apple with your breakfast because it contain pectin that prevents the deposition
  • Take green tea that helps with weight loss

Do you know which factors and reasons are responsible for overweight? Click to see this video

Friday, July 4, 2014

How to remove belly fat video tips

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Secrete of stomach fat remove

Secrete of stomach fat remove

One of the very common questions We get is how to lose stomach fat. Belly fat is really the most dangerous kind of fat - apart from aesthetics, large waistline lines are indications of -disease-disease-disease.

You will find only six methods

1. Sleep

If you wish to work late through the night, think again.
Whenever your biorhythms are away, you end upward eating more. Whenever you’re tired a person produce more ghrelin, which triggers urges for sugar along with other fat-building foods. Losing sleep may also alter your hormone manufacturing, affecting your cortisol amounts that cause insulin awareness, prime reasons for stomach fat! Gettingabout 7 several hours of sleep a night is among the best things that you can do for your entire body shaping goals.

2. Short bursts associated with exercises

1000 crunches a night could get you strong stomach muscles, but with a complete layer of fat on the top, you will not obtain the results you want. Instead of those crunches, do exercises which engage multiple muscles and work your heart. Try planking, where you possess yourself in the push-up position, resting your forearms on the floor. Try 3 or even 4 sets associated with holding for thirty seconds each. Getting up and moving during the day by going for walks will even help.

3. Sugar is the Enemy

Fighting stomach fat is 80% nutritious diet. Reduce calories through filling yourself upward with protein, veggies, whole grains, as well as replacing bad routine snacks with great ones. For instance, if you possess a sugar craving, replace your calorie laden latte having a Muscle Milk en aning, one of my personal favorites, because it offers zero sugar and a lot of protein that may satiate while additionally torching my sugars craving! Another great trick is really a sprinkle of cinnamon inside your morning coffee or even oatmeal- the spice may be shown to help stabilize blood sugar levels. It also decreases the rate where food exits the actual stomach, which can help you feel fuller lengthier.

4. Vitamin D

When you’re below extreme stress, a person secret more cortisol hormone. Vitamin C assists balance the cortisol spikes that occur to you under this particular stress. Besides being a great way to counteract a chilly, Vitamin C can also be essential for producing carnitine, a compound utilized by the body to show fat into energy, making this vitamin your fat loss friend.
If you’re dealing with an emotional turmoil, stress from function, or a poor eating splurge, increase your supplement C - it’ll assist counteract the negative unwanted effects. Try bell peppers, kale or even kiwi fruits. These have much more Vitamin C compared to famous Orange!

5. Consume Fat

Yup, a person heard me! It requires fat to burn off fat. Like I stated above, it’s sugars that gets a person fat, not body fat. Good fats include foods full of Omega 3′s, such as salmon, avocados & walnuts. These foods are filled with nutrients that help to keep you satiated during the day.

6. Slowing lower your breath

This is a simple method which you can use even when you’re in the middle of doing something otherwise. Whenever you discover you’re feeling tight and uptight check and find out how you’re inhaling and exhaling. Most people below stress either alternative holding their inhale with short breaths, or even take rapid short breaths. After you notice your own inhaling and exhaling, consciously relax your own belly and decelerate the breathing. This is most effective if you concentrate on slowing down the exhalation instead of your inhalation. With each exhalation you are able to say to your self “slow down”. That's all there would be to it- Simple however surprisingly effective!!!